The NEW Growlight Garden Micro

THE NEW GROWLIGHT GARDEN MICRO IS HERE Now you can grow fresh herbs, lettuce and microgreens in your kitchen all year round! The Grow Light Garden Micro is the perfect kit for indoor salad or microgreen production. The compact size of this all-in-one home garden is ideal for table top or kitchen counter-top use.  …


THE NEW GROW BOSS Introducing the new Nutradip Grow Boss, an innovation in metre and monitoring technology. This three in one unit shows pH, temperature and nutrient levels on one easy to read screen. Visit for more information.


  URBAN CULTIVATOR Take a look at some of the new and innovative ways chefs are growing in the kitchen!     GET GROWING Eat better, grow fresh, with Urban Cultivator indoor gardens you can grow healthy and organic vegetables, herbs and microgreens in any kitchen. They can be found at home in your household…